DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a validation system used to verify that an e-mail message has been sent by an authorized server or individual. A digital signature is added to the header of the message by using a private encryption key. When the email message is received, a public key that is available in the global Domain Name System is used to check who exactly sent it and whether the content has been changed in some way. The primary function of DomainKeys Identified Mail is to prevent the widely spread spam and scam emails, as it makes it impossible to fake an email address. If an email is sent from an address claiming to belong to your bank, for instance, but the signature does not correspond, you will either not get the email message at all, or you will get it with a warning note that most likely it’s not an authentic one. It depends on mail service providers what exactly will happen with an email message that fails the signature examination. DomainKeys Identified Mail will also offer you an extra layer of safety when you communicate with your business partners, for instance, as they can see that all the messages that you send are genuine and have not been modified on their way.

DomainKeys Identified Mail in Website Hosting

In case you host a domain name in a website hosting account with our company, all the compulsory records for using the DomainKeys Identified Mail functionality will be set up by default. This will happen as soon as you add the domain in the Control Panel’s Hosted Domains section, as long as it also uses our NS resource records. A private cryptographic key will be created on our email servers, whereas a public key will be published to the Domain Name System automatically by using the TXT record. Thus, you will not have to do anything manually and you will be able to take full advantage of all the benefits of this email validation system – your messages will reach any audience without being discarded and nobody will be able to send out emails faking your addresses. The latter is quite important if the nature of your worldwide web presence suggests sending regular offers or newsletters via email to potential and existing customers.

DomainKeys Identified Mail in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All mandatory DKIM records will be created automatically by our cloud web hosting platform when you add a domain name as hosted in a semi-dedicated server account, so if you choose to use this type of hosting, you won’t need to set up anything to be able to use the email authentication system. The domain name should use our name servers so that its DNS records can be managed on our end and as long as this condition is met, a private cryptographic key will be created on our email servers and a public key will be sent to the global DNS system by a special TXT record. All addresses that you create using the domain will be protected by DomainKeys Identified Mail, which will make it impossible for 3rd parties to spoof any address. Both you and your partners or clients can benefit from this service, since it will ensure a higher level of security for your email communication.